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Taking Donations
It is with the helping hands of many, that continues to allow us to meet the needs of Veterans who need assistance. Whether they ask or don't have the means to ask, we would like the opportunity to help!
Bringing POW-MIA soldiers' home is an interictal part of why we collect donations and host fund raisers, and we Need YOUR Help to follow out our mission!
With every donation we are able to help someone very deserving. We also spend much of our volunteered time meeting families and helping local Veterans in need when we can.
From financial donations, items that can be raffled off, to physical items that could be placed in the hands and homes of a Veteran in need, we will make your donation go a long way!

President Bill Dufour presenting a check to Bill Limoges who is helping manage the Wall that Heals which is coming to Claremont NH for one week in June of 2025.

President Bill Dufour presenting a check to Ray Gentle from the American Legion Post 29, Claremont NH to help with the cost of replacing the a/c unit for the Post 29 building.

President Bill Dufour receiving a check from The Salt Hill Pub in Newport, NH from our Dining for a Cause event to raise money and help our Veterans

President Bill Dufour also receiving a check from The Newbury Veterans Community who donated mostly from the members themselves to continue helping our Veterans.
Chair Dedication
It's OUR responsibility as Americans to bring awareness and honor to the soldiers and families who have sacrificed for our freedoms.
Chair Dedication Ceremonies are our way of drawing awareness to the POW-MIA issues. The chair brings a moving visual that there are men and woman of our armed forces that never make it back to fill the chairs next to us. These chairs honor those who are lost, captured or never made it home alive. We are to see these chairs and take a moment to remember that our freedom does not come free and it is our obligation to make sure these soldiers are never forgotten.
If you are a part of, or know of, an organization who would be honored to place a chair within their building, please contact us! Our president would like to be able to help with the process.

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